MSFS - Fenix a320 v2

Bonjour à tous

je partage avec vous cette vidéo sur les nouvelles fonctionnalités de ce magnifique add-on en V2.
Hâte de pouvoir l’utiliser.

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Super ! merci.

Merci !

C’est au même niveau que PMDG ?

Ne disposant pas du PMDG, je laisse d’autres membres du forum répondre à cette question.
Mais je pense que le Fenix est l’A320 le plus abouti et le plus complet sur MSFS.

Ne disposant pas du Fenix a320, je laisse d’autres membres du forum répondre à cette question : )

Concernant l’A320 Fenix un message / test (sur PV) d’un pilote réel, comparatif sur tous les versions A320 disponibles actuellement pour MSFS - 5 au total - (novembre 2023) : Lien

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Oui en s’en rapproche clairement, c’est un travail de fou qui est produit par Fenix, ça surclasse les A320 produits pour P3D et FSX.

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La liste des améliorations issues de la vidéo ci dessous (source : Lien)

cabin announcements/PA system
    sound attenuation from speakers based on position in cabin
    PA system tied to electrical system of aircraft (stutters/cutouts for gen switches, etc)
    cockpit door affects volume heard
    adjustable PA audio knob on radios
    random timings to sound playback
    community modifiable
        packs based on airline all simultaneously
    synchronization with ECAM (such as “cabin ready” message)
Full GSX integration
    auto progressive fuel/boarding based on what’s loading in EFB
    options to refuel or not during boarding w/ appropriate PA announcements
    auto pushback when parking brake set and beacon light on. GPU auto removed and prompted for push direction from GSX
    parking brake set and beacon off, GPU/chocks auto connects and deboarding begins automatically w/ auto doors
    future updates planned to improve and integrate ACARS
    Fully rewritten
    Snappier response times
    persistence in apps added
    background changable
    external EFB optimized for more screen sizes
    keyboard inputs added
    EFB data now uses navigraph for airports/runways for performance calcs
    AMDB charts from navigraph supported
    new custom runway intersection calc section added
    can now send takeoff calcs and INIT page direct to MCDU
    QRH for IAE and CFM in built in documents
    Failures app removed from MCDU and added to EFB with better UI
    Sidestick Damping Simulation
    tries to translate heavy damping of real sidestick into the sim “feel”
    Makes experience much smoother. More inertia and weight behind side stick
    Flight modeled further tuned against OEM data to be more accurate in many aspects
Improvements in FM helped improve VNAV calcs
    Flap 3 and Full cause incorrect pitch previously. Now rewritten to be more accurate which also leads to improvements in FLARE MODE
External Engine Model (XEM)
    Whole model is aircraft agnostic, able to be applied to any future aircraft/engine
    Engines will respond to being mishandled, including their quirks
        Compressor stalls/flameouts can happen that can damage the engine over time preventing restarts and core locks
    Data points to build model comes from in-service engines, rather than book numbers
    More on the table for optimization but it will perform similarly to current version
FADEC quirks & Forced manual start
    Demonstrated: 35min turn around in hot New Dehli
    all checklists followed, fuel pumps/APU bleed on
    Engine one start procedure started, IAEs have extended crank period compared to CFMs to get engine cool enough as IAEs have a lower max transient temp
    ENG 1 Start Fault observed, Man Start crank on Engine 1 begun.
        Due to lower transient temp compared to CFM, FADEC auto start protections kicked in and aborted the start
        Engines won’t always do it on hot turn arounds, but will vary for aircraft/engine/day
        Alternative start procedures must be followed to actually start engine in these conditions
        Effects of not removing fuel vapors modeled (spicy starts)
        Starter breaking itself not yet modeled but coming later
        Manual start demonstrated
        Engine variation being experimented with but not going to be released just yet
Fan Blade Icing
    Snowy copenhagen with snow falling, -2°C
    Cowling + fan blade icing both modeled
    Ice shedding procedure needs to be followed
    Possible to accumulate enough ice to not be able to achieve N1 value to even shed it
    DEMO: Ice ignored, no runups
        Throttle up: N1 for Eng2 did not advance past 30.7% while eng1 went to 50.2. Eng 2 was sat in the quartering wind while eng1 was shielded by the fuselage
Compressor stalls
    DEMO: large xwind outside of aircraft xwind lims + rain
    power quickly applied, engine 1 starts surging heavily (engine 1 in the wind, eng2 shielded)
    if you let engine continue stalling it will flame out and be damaged. if you do it too much engine won’t be restartable
    bird strikes can cause surges or complete destruction with random chance
    Apologies for lengthy delays
    XEM helps give A319/321 best base to start with and heavy upfront investment helps future aircraft development
    320 should be improved for free first before the next paid thing releases
    Web MCDU built that can be used on mobile devices
    1+ year of negotiation/discussion with ProSim to unlock hardware support. Results in change in licensing agreement Fenix has with them resulting in a cost that Fenix “will eat”.
    Updates will be more frequent/regular after Block 2 releases

J’ai hate :slight_smile:

A priori V2 disponible à partir d’aujourd’hui.

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J’ai (enfin) pu réaliser aujourd’hui mon premier vol avec cette nouvelle version.
Aucun souci pour ma part, avec en compléments plan de vol issue de sim Brief ainsi qu’avec GSX / SLC / Pro ATC. Tout fonctionne extrêmement bien.
Magnifique version :+1:

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Nouvelle MAJ disponible depuis ce jour.

Les changements :


[Avionics and Systems]

Tuned alpha protection and recovery (should fix AP not engaging spuriously issue)
Improved “zombie MSFS process” resistance
Improved logging in a few core places to assist in troubleshooting
Fixed high CPU usage by FenixBootstrapper.exe and Fenix.exe
Fixed issues causing failed hook-ins (blank screens)
Fixed boarding starting while catering is in progress
Fixed N1 gauge crossed out if N1 mode engaged (IAE)
Fixed conditions for DisarmDoors triggering
Fixed red line being drawn in N1 gauge when it’s amber crossed
Improved roll rate when bank angle protection takes control of the aircraft.
Fix potential issue when GSX boarding and refueling are called at the same time
Adjust D1L closure time after boarding has completed
Fix boarding music not playing in some scenarios
Fixed several potential crashes
Added fuel venting based on airspeed
Adjusted AoA dampening
Improved latching into detents with incremental throttle control
Improved brake application and release times for button users
Fixed bypass pin being stuck in
Adjusted VLS calculation
Fixed missing EFIS, RMP, ELEC and FCU Lvars
Fixed auto deboarding sometimes not working correctly (it now attempts to deboard regardless of parking status)
Fixed FMS tuned navaids not clearing when RMP goes into NAV override
Fixed display of FD flag
Fixed ECAM F/CTL page automatically showing with too little control input
Improved fuel venting further
Fixed restart button crashing launcher
Fixed GSX integration not opening the rear door

[Art and Sound]

Improved performance especially in exterior view
RAT decal misplaced
Reverser sound fade in harsh on IAEs
Retard callout won't stop playing fix
Added ice detection system
Improved engine spinner idle blur to help with frame gen artifacting
Improved interior rear of wing sounds on IAE
Increased N1 bearing volume on IAE engines
Improved pilot/copilot, overhead and EFB cameras
Reduced packs and CAB FAN volume
Slightly improved performance on audio engine
IAE start up sounds adjusted to be louder further away
Fixed initial start being too quiet/muffled (especially ENG 2)
Improved interior sound set for IAE at idle
Fixed sky reflection in virtual cabin windows
Fixed idle spinner not being in blurred state
Fixed FWD and AFT cargo door handles being incorrectly synced
Fixed missing animation/texture for running CFM N1 fan
Fixed American SATCOM text+symbol cut off
Fixed offset weathering on RMP1 VOR1 switch
Fixed floating ice probe on windscreen
Fixed sun shade visor vanishing on cursor hover
Fixed incorrect tooltip for pedals
Fixed left main landing gear tire animations missing
Fixed right CFM inlet missing rivets
Fixed pylon panel labeling not being visible through cabin windows
Fixed right CFM pylon having a gap in panel seams
Fixed BRK TEMP DET UNIT being popped
Fixed N1 buttons and maintenance bus switch missing tooltips
Fixed modern wing decals clipping into wing
Fixed GSX definition for door L4
Improved LODing when switching between interior and exterior views
Fixed slats clipping into wing when transitioning
Fixed cabin pressure decal not animating with door
Fixed mesh gaps around central window column
Fixed AEVC loop thumps

[Flight and Engine Models]

Improved heat transfer mechanics
Gently adjusted ground effect


Fixed boarding starting while catering is still in progress when using the auto catering option
Fixed take-off performance calculator sometimes not working correctly when using lbs
Fixed polling Navigraph too much when waiting for authentication
Fixed some issues that could occur when loading the aircraft multiple times
Fixed custom intersection TORA only allowing 4 digits when using FT units

[Livery Manager]

Stopped livery verification from running at each start-up and moved it to a “verify liveries” button in settings
Cleaned up settings
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